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感谢您的登记! Thank You For Joining our Waitlist!

恭喜! 您已被安排在我们的系统上,诊所将会安排专业团队跟您进行初步咨询,并且已发送一封电子邮件以确认您在我们的等候名单上的位置。

Thank you for your interest in the Treatment. We are delighted to inform you that you have been scheduled for an initial consultation at our clinic, and an email has been sent to confirm your placement on our waitlist.

We understand that waiting for an appointment can be challenging, but please know that we are striving to offer you the best possible experience. A staff member will contact you to provide you with a range of options for days and time slots to see one of our skincare experts.


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2200 W 4th Ave,
Vancouver, BC, V6K 1N8
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Hours of Operation

Open 7 Days A Week 9am – 5:30pm
Closed on Statutory Holidays