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Alma TED™

Alma TED™

Hair: the crown you never take off

Introducing Alma TED, a revolutionary hair restoration treatment for men and women. Say goodbye to hair loss and frustration with outdated methods, and regain your confidence with this cutting-edge solution.

  • Treatment type
    Ultrasound-based device
  • Duration
    20 – 25 mins
  • Recovery time
    No downtime


  • Stimulate and strengthen hair
  • Achieve thicker, longer, and healthier locks
  • Achieve fuller, shinier hair
  • Utilizes acoustic sound waves and air pressure instead of needles or lasers
  • Noninvasive for a comfortable experience

Treatment Overview

Treatment Overview

Alma TED: The Revolutionary Hair Restoration Treatment

Experience the future of hair restoration with Alma TED. This groundbreaking treatment is designed for both men and women seeking effective solutions without invasive procedures. Harnessing the power of non-invasive ultrasound technology, Alma TED uses sound waves to enhance blood flow and transform your hair and scalp health.

Discover the remarkable benefits of Alma TED and the accompanying TED+ Hair Care Formula. Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to hair restoration, improving blood circulation, strengthening hair follicles, and promoting overall hair health.

How it works

How it works

Hair Restoration with Ultrasound Technology

Alma TED offers an effective solution for those seeking to improve their hair without surgical procedures or incisions. Here’s an overview of how Alma TED works:

Using high-frequency ultrasound waves, Alma TED targets the scalp, where hair restoration is desired. These waves penetrate the skin and underlying tissues, gently stimulating the blood vessels. This stimulation leads to improved blood flow, bringing essential nutrients, oxygen, and growth factors to the hair follicles.

The enhanced blood flow nourishes the follicles, promoting their health and strengthening existing hair strands. It also activates dormant or weakened follicles, encouraging them to enter the active growth phase. As a result, new hair growth can occur, and areas experiencing thinning or recession may be restored.

Alma TED’s non-invasive approach offers a comfortable and painless hair restoration experience. By utilizing ultrasound technology, it provides a comprehensive solution that addresses blood flow, nourishment, and follicle activation, contributing to healthier and stronger hair.

What to expect

What to expect

The Alma TED treatment is a quick in-clinic procedure lasting 20 to 25 minutes. Before the consultation, a technician will assess your scalp and customize a treatment plan for you.

Before undergoing treatment with Alma TED, it is recommended to wash your hair and arrive with it completely dry. It is also advised to avoid applying any oils or conditioners to the roots of your hair. On the day of the treatment and for 24 hours after, it is best to avoid any physical activity that causes sweating. Additionally, it is recommended not to wash your hair for 24 hours after the treatment to allow it to effectively take effect. You can expect to see improvements as early as one month after your first treatment, and further treatments may be recommended for optimal results.



For optimal results, it is highly recommended to have at least three additional treatments one month apart after your first treatment.



The Alma TED treatment is available in a package of 3 sessions
. Contact us for pricing.


Financing Information

We offer a convenient solution to access this treatment today and pay for it over time with flexible financing options through our partnership with Affirm.

You will need to submit your application directly to Affirm, where you’ll provide basic information for approval. The minimum purchase cost is $500, and you can split your treatment expenses into 3, 6, or 12 monthly payments. Interest rates range from 0% to 31.99% APR. For further details, please visit ‘How It Works‘ or contact us for more information.

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Treatable Areas

The AlmaTED can be used on the scalp, eyebrows and beard. The system can also treat long and short hair. You do not need to shave before treatments.


Clinical studies have shown that patients who have undergone Alma TED treatment have seen a 20-60% increase in hair growth in affected areas. Two weeks after the treatment, patients generally notice less hair shedding and the first signs of new growth.

One month post-treatment, patients report seeing new hair growth. After two months, they observe an increase in hair volume and after three months, they see less scalp exposure and bald spots filling in.

These results have been clinically validated in over 20 published studies, and patients have given positive feedback about the treatment.


Before & After Photos

Clinical studies have shown that patients who have undergone Alma TED treatment have seen a 20-60% increase in hair growth in affected areas.



Need a payment Plan?

Explore Flexible Payment Options

Plan Details
  • Must be a Canadian permanent resident or citizen
  • Must be 19 years or older
  • Minimum purchase of $500
  • Pay on your own terms


Have Questions?
Call Us
(604) 261-9121
Who is a good candidate for Alma TED?
The Alma TED treatment is designed for individuals who are experiencing hair loss or want to improve the overall appearance and thickness of their hair.
What are the indicators that you may be experiencing hair loss?
A change in your hairline
Noticeable thinning of your hair
Excessive hair loss after showering or brushing
How soon can I expect to see results?
You can expect to see minor results after one treatment, but it is recommended to have at least three treatments one month apart for optimal results.
Is the treatment painful?
No, the treatment should not be painful. You can expect to feel a warm sensation from the device and a ringing sound through the course of the treatment, but there is no pain involved. No needles. No discomfort. No trauma to the scalp.
What is the importance of hair?
Hair is considered an important part of one’s well being in today’s culture for several reasons. Firstly, hair is often seen as a symbol of personal identity and style, allowing people to express themselves and reflect their personality through hair choices. Secondly, hair can impact a person’s confidence and self-esteem. For example, having a bad hair day can negatively impact a person’s mood, while a new haircut or hairstyle can give a boost in confidence. Additionally, hair can play a role in social and cultural norms and can influence how people are perceived by others. Thus, hair can play an important role in a person’s wellbeing and sense of self.
What causes the hair growth?
Growth factors are naturally occurring proteins that play a critical role in the growth and development of tissues, including hair follicles. In the context of hair growth, growth factors work by promoting the production of new hair cells and supporting the growth and health of existing hair follicles.

In the AlmaTED system, growth factors are delivered directly to the scalp through the Trans Epidermal Delivery (TED) technology. The serum contains active ingredients, including growth factors, which are activated by heat, pressure, and electrical stimulation. When the serum is applied to the scalp, the growth factors penetrate the skin and reach the hair follicles, where they can promote the production of new hair cells and support the growth and health of existing hair follicles.

Overall, the use of growth factors in the AlmaTED system is designed to support hair growth by promoting the production of new hair cells and supporting the growth and health of existing hair follicles. This, in turn, leads to an improvement in hair growth and thickness over time. 
What causes hair loss in men?
Male hair loss, also known as male pattern baldness, is a common condition that affects many men as they age. It is caused by a combination of genetics and hormonal factors. The main hormonal factor is the increase in dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels, a potent form of testosterone, which is responsible for shrinking hair follicles and causing hair to become finer and shorter until it eventually stops growing altogether.

In addition to hormones, other factors that can contribute to male hair loss include:

Age: Hair loss is a natural part of the aging process, and it typically begins in a man’s late teens or early twenties.
Genetics: Male pattern baldness is largely determined by genetics and can run in families.
Stress: Physical or emotional stress can cause hair loss, but it is usually temporary and hair regrowth typically occurs once the stress is resolved.
Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disease or autoimmune disorders, can cause hair loss.
Medications: Certain medications, such as those used to treat high blood pressure or depression, can cause hair loss as a side effect.
It is important to consult a dermatologist or hair specialist if you are experiencing hair loss, as they can help determine the underlying cause and recommend the best course of treatment.
AlmaTED may be a solution for many of these conditions.
What causes hair loss in women?
Hair loss in women can have multiple causes, and it can be temporary or permanent. Some of the common causes of hair loss in women include:

Genetics: Female pattern hair loss, which is similar to male pattern baldness, is largely determined by genetics and can run in families.
Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menopause, and other hormonal imbalances can cause hair loss.
Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can cause hair loss in women.
Stress: Physical or emotional stress can cause hair loss, but it is usually temporary and hair regrowth typically occurs once the stress is resolved.
Medications: Certain medications, such as those used to treat high blood pressure, depression, and cancer, can cause hair loss as a side effect.
Styling: Traction alopecia, which is caused by tight hairstyles that pull on the hair, can lead to permanent hair loss if left untreated.

It is important to consult a dermatologist or hair specialist if you are experiencing hair loss, as they can help determine the underlying cause and recommend the best course of treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of hair loss can often prevent it from becoming more severe.

Alma TED may be a solution for many of these conditions.
Hair loss from chemotherapy, will Alma TED help?
Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy, as the treatment can damage hair follicles and cause hair to fall out. However, many people do regrow their hair after chemotherapy is completed. The speed and extent of hair regrowth can vary, and it can take several months for hair to grow back completely.

If you are experiencing hair loss from chemotherapy, there are a few things you can do to support hair regrowth:

Alma TED may be a solution for you.

Wait: Hair regrowth often begins naturally within a few months of completing chemotherapy. It is important to be patient and not to try to force hair to grow back before it is ready.
Eat a healthy diet: A diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein can help support hair regrowth.

Avoid harsh chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemicals, such as bleach and heat styling tools, on your hair as it is growing back.

Consider a wig: Wigs can be a helpful solution for people who are experiencing hair loss from chemotherapy. They can provide a sense of normalcy and help boost self-confidence during the regrowth process.

If you are concerned about hair loss from chemotherapy, it is important to consult with your doctor or a hair specialist. They can help determine the cause of your hair loss and recommend the best course of treatment for you.
I have been bald for many years, is there any hope of hair returning with Alma TED?
The success of the Alma TED system for hair regrowth will depend on the underlying cause of your hair loss and the length of time you have been bald. In some cases, the Alma TED system may be able to stimulate hair regrowth in people who have been bald for many years. However, the extent of hair regrowth and the speed at which it occurs will vary from person to person and will depend on a number of factors, including the cause of the hair loss, age, and overall health.

It is important to keep in mind that the Alma TED system is not a guaranteed solution for hair regrowth, and results may vary. If you are considering the Alma TED system, it is recommended that you consult with a dermatologist or hair specialist to determine if it is the right solution for you. They can help evaluate the underlying cause of your hair loss and recommend the best course of treatment to support hair regrowth.
Is it best to start treating familial hair loss earlier rather than later?
Yes, it is generally recommended to start treating familial hair loss, or male pattern baldness, as early as possible. This is because hair loss caused by genetics can be a progressive condition, and the earlier it is detected, the easier it may be to slow down or stop the progression of hair loss. In some cases, early treatment may even lead to some regrowth of hair. The AlmaTED will help reduce the rate of hair loss.

Starting treatment early can also help prevent hair loss from becoming more severe and allow for more options in terms of treatment. For example, medications such as minoxidil and finasteride, which are commonly used to treat hair loss, are more likely to be effective when started early in the progression of hair loss.

If you are concerned about hair loss, it is important to consult a dermatologist or hair specialist as soon as possible. They can help determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and recommend the best course of treatment to support hair regrowth. Early diagnosis and treatment of hair loss can often prevent it from becoming more severe.

Are there still hair follicles with alopecia?
Yes, people with alopecia typically still have hair follicles, but the hair growth cycle may be disrupted. Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss, and it can affect the hair on the scalp, face, and body. In people with alopecia, the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, causing hair to fall out and preventing new hair from growing.

The extent of hair loss and the ability to regrow hair can vary depending on the type of alopecia, as well as the individual person. In some cases, hair regrowth may occur spontaneously, while in other cases, treatment may be necessary to support hair regrowth.

It is important to consult a dermatologist or hair specialist if you are experiencing hair loss, as they can help determine the underlying cause and recommend the best course of treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment with the Alma TED can often prevent it from becoming more severe.
What types of alopecia are there?
There are several types of alopecia, which is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss. Some of the most common types of alopecia include:

Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA): This is the most common form of hair loss and is also known as male or female pattern baldness. It is caused by a combination of genetics and hormones and typically results in hair thinning on the scalp.

Alopecia Areata (AA): This is a form of hair loss that occurs suddenly and results in patches of baldness on the scalp and other parts of the body.

Scarring Alopecia: This type of alopecia results in permanent hair loss due to scarring of the hair follicles.

Telogen Effluvium: This is a form of hair loss that occurs after a significant stressor, such as illness, childbirth, or sudden weight loss, and results in temporary hair thinning.

Traction Alopecia: This is a type of hair loss that is caused by constant pulling or tension on the hair, such as from tight hairstyles.

It is important to consult a dermatologist or hair specialist if you are experiencing hair loss, as they can help determine the underlying cause and recommend the best course of treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of hair loss can often prevent it from becoming more severe.
Does the length of the hair affect the growth of hair?
The length of the hair itself does not directly affect the growth of hair. Hair growth is primarily controlled by genetics and hormones, and factors such as age, nutrition, and overall health can also play a role.

Hair growth occurs in cycles, and the length of each cycle can vary from person to person. On average, hair grows about 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) per month, and the length of the hair can be influenced by factors such as genetics, hormones, and overall health.

However, the length of the hair can be indirectly affected by hair care practices. For example, hair that is frequently heat styled or treated with harsh chemicals can become damaged and break, making it appear shorter. On the other hand, hair that is treated gently and regularly trimmed can appear healthier and longer.

In summary, the length of the hair itself does not directly affect the growth of hair, but hair care practices can indirectly affect the appearance of length.
What to do pre and post treatment?
Before undergoing treatment with Alma TED, it is recommended to wash your hair and arrive with it completely dry. It is also advised to avoid applying any oils or conditioners to the roots of your hair. On the day of the treatment and for 24 hours after, it is best to avoid any physical activity that causes sweating. Additionally, it is recommended not to wash your hair for 24 hours after the treatment to allow it to effectively take effect.
Do you offer financing?
Yes, we offer a convenient solution to access this treatment today and pay for it over time with flexible financing options through our partnership with Affirm.

You will need to submit your application directly to Affirm, where you’ll provide basic information for approval. The minimum purchase cost is $500, and you can split your treatment expenses into 3, 6, or 12 monthly payments. Interest rates range from 0% to 31.99% APR. For further details, please visit ‘How It Works‘ or contact us for more information.

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